Multi-Domain SSL

Secure up to 100 different Domains, Subdomains and IP addresses with one certificate.
What is a Multi-Domain Certificate?

Multi-Domain also referred commonly as SAN Certificates, utilize Subject Alternative Names (SANs) to secure up to 100 different domain names, subdomains, and public IP addresses, using only one SSL Certificate and requiring only one IP to host the Certificate.

We worked with Microsoft to develop a SSL Certificate specifically for use within the Exchange and Communications Server environments. A SAN SSL Certificate allows you to deploy the Domain Security feature and enable secure client access from the Internet

While Multi-Domain SSL was originally developed for Unified Communications applications, it can benefit anyone looking for the simplicity of consolidating many domain names into a single SSL Certificate and single IP address.

How can Multi-Domain SSL be used?
Unified Communications (UC)

Secure Microsoft Exchange and Office Communications Server. SAN Certificates provide ideal support for your owa, mail, and autodiscover domains, plus they are included in the base price!

Up to 100 Fully Qualified Domains

Secure different domains, such as,,, or different top level domains such as,,

Up to 100 multi-level Subdomains

Secure all subdomains, even different level subdomains such
All levels are supported.

Up to 100 Public IP Addresses

Add publicly accessible IP.

Price Starting at only USD 249

For more details or query please Call 0345-3348026 or Email at